Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Music

Bring me joy, bring me peace, bring me anything that brings you glory, bring the chance to be free! That is what the pain is all about. Without pain we could never be set free, and we would never know the true love of Jesus.

We draw closer to the Lord in hard times, sad times, dark times. When life is going OK, we tend to not need Him as much. He blesses us in the hard times. If you can thank God in the rainy times of life, and come through the storm stronger; than you have been blessed by the Lord.

I know this is true because I have been through the storms, and I came through them blessed. I drew closer to God in the bad times, and He taught me lessons that I never would have known if not for the storm. I had nothing and no one else to lean on, but Jesus and He saved my life. We have to learn how to trust Him. He wants us to praise Him always. If you can't praise Him in the storm, then you most likely won't praise Him when things are going good.

Listen to the words of these songs, and praise Him. No matter what you are going through praise Him. He loves you and wants you free from any pain.

(May we be faithful to do our part, which is simply to suffer for Him, and to place Christ's part on Him and then Leave it there.)
From my devotional: Streams in the Desert.

I know that someone who is reading this is hurting, and needs to know this. Be blessed and trust in Jesus.

Love ya, Uylonda

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