I love the rain! I truly do, I have never minded if it rains. But, if we have plans to do something outside I don' want it to rain. But, I don't mind the rain. This should of went with last weeks blog, but I just found this picture the other day.
I wanted to write about prayer today. I am starting a bible study on Tuesday mornings called Becoming a woman of prayer. I have wanted to do it for a while, but for some reason never could get it together. Well, now we have the books and I am so excited to start. I can't wait until next Tuesday.
I wanted to do this study about three years ago, but to be honest I wasn't ready. I was afraid! I thought that I might have to pray all the time or something and I wasn't ready for that. Now I am, not to pray all the time, but to do the study. It just shows how much I've grown in my walk with God. I have grown to know that that's not what prayer is about. It is about having a relationship with God. The reason I want to do this study now on prayer is because like everything else, I want to grow more. I had a bible study at our old church for five years. We did other studies of this series. Becoming a woman of freedom, great study!! Also, Becoming a woman of faith, good one to. But, I wasn't willing to do Becoming a woman of prayer then. Prayer scares people. The reason is because we don't understand it. We have been made to think that prayer has to be done a certain way, or it's not right. We think we have to pray eloquently or it won't count. We think we can't pray as good as the next person or so on and so on. Well all of that is not true. There is no one way to pray. If your talking to God, then that's prayer. I believe we need to be taught on prayer in church. People honestly don't know how to pray so therefore; they don't pray. Or their prayers are predictable. The same prayer for dinner, for bed, for church, etc... It never changes. Have you ever heard people pray and it seems like they are saying the same thing over and over even though it's different words, or different people?!
I have told you in past blogs to spend time with God in prayer through alone time with Him. Turn on your music and pray, or get on your knees, or however you feel comfortable doing it. Just pray. Don't be afraid of prayer. The devil doesn't want you to pray because he knows God answers prayer. So spend some time with the Lord, and change your life.
Love you, Uylonda
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