Monday, May 11, 2009

The Climb

I love this song, it's about the journey we take that makes us. Listen to the words, and give it a try.

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Your Get Up And Go..........

In Malachi 3:10 the Lord says Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

He is not just talking about the tithe of money. He is talking about our time and walk with Him as well. We have to give Him our all and not make excuses as to why we don’t do it. It’s a new year and there is so much we can do to change, if we are willing to let the Lord work through us. We just have to be willing to quit listening to our flesh. It is lazy and wants to do nothing that is good for us; or is going to make it have to get up and go. Have you ever thought about it like that? If something is bad for us its not hard to do. Then if something is good for us its hard to do! It takes no effort to sit on the couch and watch TV, or sit at the computer all day. It takes no effort to go through the drive thru at McDonalds, and it takes no effort to grab that bag of chips at home. But, to get up and move to do what is good for you, takes physical and mental and emotional effort. You say you want to loose weight, and start exercising and read your bible more and pray more, and so many other things… Question is, what are you doing to accomplish those goals?

I had a rock one time with a saying on it that said, “ My get up and go got up and went”. I would laugh when I read it, but it was true! I used it as an excuse for myself to laugh, and not do anything about the things I needed to get up and do!! We have got to hear what God is telling us. He is not going to do it for us, we have to use our own (free) will to decide to work with Him. He wants us motivated about what He can do for us, and excited about it. We then can be a witness to others about how we got what God promised us. Do you think that that may be why it’s hard to do the will of God? It will witness to others, and Satan doesn’t want that; therefore he tells us it takes to much effort to read the bible daily. He tells us it takes to much effort to pray daily. He tells us it takes to much effort to get healthy. He is a LIAR!! He tells us all the lies to keep us spiritually bound and mentally bound, and physically and emotionally bound. We stay bound by not getting up and going. Remember if it’s good for you, then you have to work for it, if its bad for you the devil hands it to you. I don’t want anything he has to offer, so this year I am going to get up and get going. Will you?

Love ya, Uylonda